N.A.Toˇ – Nose Assembly for Tomorrowˇ

N.A.Toˇ is an international project that combines activism and clowning. It brings together activists, clowns and performers. They share and create surprising, entertaining and disobedient forms of civic activism. In addition to workshops, lectures and discussions, various performative and clown performances and happenings take place within and in connection with N.A.Toˇ.

N.A.Toˇ follows Florent Golfier's Atlas project. Florent, as an activist clown Atlas, guided people around various cities as part of guided walks. Atlas familiarized them with global problems that humanity has to deal with, and they tried to radicalise participants to start their own form of poetic protest. At one point during the walk, Atlas asked participants to put their noses on and join the clownocratic Nose Assembly for Tomorrow, which would make a clownish attempt to change the state of the world. Various meetings during this project and beyond led Florent to the decision to initiate the creation of a stable network of people involved in N.A.Toˇ.

The N.A.Toˇ network has been slowly growing through individual meetings since 2023. The N.A.Toˇ crew announces an open call for each meeting separately. Assemblies consist of workshops, discussions, lectures and plenums, and the N.A.Toˇ crew places great emphasis on the possibility of co-creation of the program by the participants. Selected parts of each assembly are open to the broad public.

N.A.Toˇ is governed by the principle of radical openness. Anyone can join it. Do not hesitate to contact us at nose-assembly@posteo.net

N.A.Toˇ #4 – Queering spaces through clowning – Queerfeminist theatre methods / Vienna, Austria

The next meeting of N.A.To ˇ will take place from 4th to 7th April 2023 in Vienna and will focus on exploring how socio-ecological concepts of queerness and the queering of space can inspire activist clowning. The host organization will be the Theater of the Oppressed Vienna.

  • Workshops
    • FLINTA-clowning workshop led by Leo Lisa Begeré and Anja Monden
    • Fight club with failures and mistakes led by Anna Ádám (HU)
  • Discussions
    • Seminar on the concept of Queering Spaces led by Leo Hosp
    • Plenums N.A.Toˇ

Implementation team N.A.Toˇ #4: Kiara Gezels, Laura Golfier-Brechmann, Emilia Forck, Csenge Kelecsény, Julia Mollnhuber, Alma Tiemann
Production: tYhle, INspirál, Theater der Unterdrückten Wien

Past N.A.Toˇs

N.A.Toˇ #1 / Terén, Brno, CZ

The first meeting of N.A.Toˇ took place on 23–26 March 2023 in Brno. It was hosted by Terén - Field of Performing Arts. The program of the four-day workshop consisted of seminars, workshops, plenums, a program created by the participants and a happening in the streets of Brno.

  • Workshops
    • Rhythms of Resistance workshop by RoR Wien
    • Clown workshop by Pierre Nadaud (JAMU)
    • Clown-activist workshop by Florent Golfier (tYhle)
    • Clown-activist workshop by clown Röschti (Lauritz Mori, CH)
    • Activist workshop from Limity jsme my!
    • Open-space: skills sharing
  • Discussion
    • Can a clown be an activist?
    • Plenums of N.A.Toˇ
  • Happening in the streets of Brno

Organising team of N.A.Toˇ #1: Laura Brechmann, Florent Golfier, Ondřej Holba, Barbora Liška, Jakub Liška
Production: tYhle, Roman Zmrzlý
Special thanks to: Terén – pole performativního umění, Pomezí o.s., Theater of the Oppressed Vienna (TdU Wien), Rhythms of Resistance Brno and Vienna, Supporters of the crowdfunding campaign, Tři Ocásci and Good Karma Catering.

Photos from N.A.Toˇ #1 in Brno

N.A.Toˇ #2 / Impulshaus, Maria Schutz, AT

The second meeting N.A.Toˇ took place 4–9 July 2023. It was hosted by Impulshaus. The meeting took place in a former school in the beautiful Austrian mountains and it had a strong community character. In addition to the workshop program, an essential part of N.A.To #2 was community life associated with collective cooking, cleaning and trips around the Maria Schutz area.

  • Workshops
    • Clown workshops Gravity strike I. & II. by Florent Golfier
    • Clown workshop by Ondřej Holba
    • Rhythms of Resistance workshop by RoR Wien
    • Theatre of the Oppressed workshop by TdU Wien
    • Open-space: skills sharing
  • Lectures
    • History and philosophy of clowning by Ondřej Holba
    • History of Kreative formung and Theater Brett in the context of Charter 77 by Ludvík Kavín
  • Discussion
    • Round table on artivism by Babora Liška and Jakub Liška
    • Plenums of N.A.Toˇ
  • Comunity life: cooking, relaxing and trips to nature

Organising team of N.A.Toˇ #2: Laura Brechmann, Florent Golfier, Ondřej Holba, Barbora Liška, Jakub Liška Production: Roman Zmrzlý

Photos from N.A.Toˇ #2 in Maria-Schutz

N.A.Toˇ #3 – Exchange of good (clowning) practices / INspirál, Budapest, HU

The third N.A.Toˇ took place from 8 to 12 November 2023 in Budapest. It was hosted by INspirál Cirkuszközpont. The event focused on exploring different methods that could be used by activist clowns. After a long plenary discussion, it resulted in the intervention of several clown groups in the Budapest metro.

  • Workshops
    • Workshop of the Theatre of the Oppressed by Kiara Gezels and Antonia Dimas (Wien)
    • Clown workshop by Goldi, the clown (HU)
    • Workshop Rhythms of Resistance by Florent Golfier-Brechmann (tYhle) and Abel (RoR Wien)
  • Discussions
    • Seminar with performer Anna Ádám (HU)
    • Plenary N.A.Toˇ
  • Clown intervention in the Budapest metro

Implementation team N.A.Toˇ #3: Kiara Gezels, Florent Golfier-Brechmann, Ondřej Holba, Csenge Kelecsényi, Jakub Liška
Production: tYhle, INspirál, Theater der Unterdrückten Wien

Photos from the meeting N.A.Toˇ #3 Budapest


N.A.Toˇ #1 and N.A.Toˇ #2 were implemented with the financial participation of the European Union through the National Recovery Plan and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

N.A.To ˇ #3 and N.A.To ˇ #4 are part of the project Nose assembly for tomorrow, which is being created in cooperation with tYhle, TdU Wien and Magyar Zsonglőr Egyesület with the support of the European Union.

Funded by the European Union. Views expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.