
A production for streets, parks, squares or anywhere where one can play! Through studying the theme of sports, LEGOrytmus shows us how we can think about the current society. The performance draws inspiration from the Olympics, Spartakiade, and aerobics to show with movements familiar to all of us a weird group of sportsmen who are trying real hard to reach their sport goals with unexpected means. We want to touch the absurd with this production. We try to cheerfully untie from the strict rules to get closer to aimless movement. But is it actually allowed?

Form, formation, duty, order, convention, submissiveness, conformity, rhythm, performance… right, left, right, left, one, two, three, four: Peace and dance!

In increasingly fragile Europe where totalitarianism is not as far as it might have seemed, the Czech-French ensemble with humour provokes questions so important and relevant for all of us again these days.

Directed by: Marie Gourdain
Performing: Sabina Bočková, Florent Golfier, Lukáš Karásek, Štěpánka Mancová, Soňa Ferienčíková / Martin Talaga
Music: Aid Kid
Scenography: Marie Gourdain
Costumes: Marie Gourdain, Martina Steiglerová
Technical support: Štěpán Hejzlar
Production: Marie Rotnáglová
Lenght: 30 min

The production was created in co-production with Studio ALTA with the support of the Prague 7 City District and the Nadace Život Umělce foundation.
It was premiered on 28th May 2017 at the Den Prahy 7 (Day of Prague 7).